Shop for an Oval Cut Diamond
Oval Cut

Round who? Like the cool girl in school, the oval cut diamond is here to claim its throne with soft feminity and saliacious shine.

1select your Stone
2Select your setting
Step 1: The Foundations
Natural, Lab-grown or Moissanite?
This fundamental question will have the biggest impact on price.
Price, carat and shape are typically the next biggest decisions to make. Make sure you start with a broader range and filter down later. You can also select more than one shape if you’re not yet sure.
STEP 3: Details, Details, Details
Let’s be honest, all of the following is very much the fine print of the diamond world. If you’re at all not sure, better to leave these blank for now. Of course, if you want further help, you can always get in touch.
Our database filters through over 150,000 ethical diamonds worldwide. But don’t worry, there are plenty of chances to refine your results. So, always best to start your search a little wider.
Frequently asked questions forOval Cut Diamonds
A masterpiece of precision and beauty, oval cut diamonds captures hearts with their long silhouette and radiant sparkle. But what makes an oval cut diamond an oval cut?
Let's start with the obvious-the shape. Oval cut diamonds are unsurprisingly in the shape of an oval. Imagine the round brilliant diamond, now stretch it out. Voila! You have an oval cut diamond.
There are numerous reasons why the oval cut diamond is though of as the darling of the diamond world. The oval is an economical shape, and unlike round diamonds that leave behind a higher percentage of raw diamond roughage, oval diamonds have a lower wastage rate. The result is a more affordable shape that also appears larger than rounds of the same carat size -you know, because of the larger face-up area of the diamond.
Oval cut diamonds are cut with between 56 to 58 facets that showcase its panache by flawlessly reflecting light in dazzling displays of sparkle. A well-cut oval diamond has a depth between 58-62% and a table (aka the face up facet of the diamond) between 53-63%. These percentages allow for the proper amount of light to enter and exit the diamond and ensure that it sparkles more brilliantly than the sun.
When shopping for oval shaped diamonds, be sure to prioritize symmetry. Thanks to the drawn-out nature of the shape you may find that unsymmetrical stones alter the oval shape into something completely different. Additionally, be sure to keep an eye out for the bowtie effect which results in a dark bowtie shape drawn across the diamond's table. While all oval diamonds have bow-ties (they are a fancy shape after all), some are more pronounced then others. That's why it is so important to see real time photos of your diamond. At Frank Darling, you can view your diamond in person and work with our flawless Ring Concierge to find an oval cut diamond with an unnoticeable bowtie.
An oval cut diamond is like a savvy shopper's dream come true because it generally costs around 25% less than a round brilliant. Now that's what we call a deal!
But get ready to clutch your pearls because when it comes to comparing the cost of oval cut diamond to other fancy shape diamonds, things get juicy. Why? It all goes back to the cutting process and the sacrifices made to the glitter gods (aka the disposal of rough diamond).
Let's use the round brilliant diamond for example: those soft curves and rounded edges of a round brilliant create quite the diamond waste. About 60% of the poor round diamond gets cut away to achieve that perfect, symmetrical round shape. Resulting in a higher price tag when comparing diamonds of similar grades but different shapes.
The same applies to fancy shaped diamonds. The more diamond roughage that is loss in the process of cutting, the more you can expect to pay for your diamond. Fancy cuts that are also more intricate can also cost you more. So it's important to know the differences between the cuts and how they affect the price before you go diamond shopping. When compared with the standard fancy shape diamonds (you know, Pear, Princess, Marquise, Radiant, Emerald, Asscher, and Cushion), oval shaped diamonds fall pretty squarely in the middle cost wise.
Another thing to consider when considering the cost value of oval shaped diamonds is the size of the diamond when viewed face up. Remember, carat weight is different from diamond size, and not all diamonds carry their weight in the same way. So even if you do end up spending a bit more on your oval diamond than you would say an Asscher diamond of the same carat weight, your oval diamond will actually appear larger in size because of its elongation.
It can feel like there are a hundred reasons why diamonds cost the way they do. And while there are some general guidelines, such as ovals being more affordable than rounds, much of everything else can vary wildly. That's why its so important to shop around, speak to our Diamond Concierge, and see your diamonds selections in person to ensure you're getting the best possible diamond for you at the best possible price.
Yes, oval cut diamonds look bigger than round brilliant diamonds. This is thanks to the fact that oval diamonds have an 8% larger face than round brilliants of the same carat weight and an elongated shape that contributes to the visual perception of greater size.
No magic here! A size difference in diamond shape of the same carat weight is all thanks to the amount of diamond facing up. Remember that carat weight isn't a measurement of the size of a diamond but instead the weight of it. Like people, diamonds can carry weight in all different types of ways. Some diamond shapes have a more evenly distributed weight across all of their sides (like the round brilliant or Asscher) while some diamond shapes are more top heavy. These top heavy shapes are usually elongated and as in the case of the oval cut diamond, then appear larger.
And remember babe, size isn’t everything. While an elongated diamond shape can contribute to size perception, other aspects like your finger size can also alter the perception of stone size. Shorter fingers can trick people into thinking you have a larger stone on your hand and vice versa. Luckily, because oval cut diamonds are elongated, they offer more finger coverage to create the illusion of both a slender and longer finger and larger stone.
We all know that oval diamonds effortlessly make the cut but do they actually receive a grade for their cut quality? And, honestly, grading institutions don't assign cut grades to ovals. But before we break that down, let’s rewind and go over exactly what a cut grade is and why its important.
A diamond's cut grade reflects the diamond's proportions, symmetry, and polish, which all determine how well a diamond interacts with light. The cut of a diamond has a significant impact on its beauty and value. Here's the rub, though. The only diamond shape that actually receives an official cut grade is the round brilliant. See, 70% of all diamonds on the market are round brilliants. So it's a whole lot easier to compare and grade round brilliant diamonds than the wild wild world of fancy shaped diamonds.
That doesn't stop people from trying though. At Frank Darling, we grade our oval shaped diamonds on a similar scale of round brilliants. That is, from Poor to Excellent to Super Ideal and even up to Guaranteed Brilliant. To determine the cut grade of oval shaped diamonds our gemologists take a look at the cut of the whole stone. What is the length-to-width ratio, is the outline even, how is the placement and alignment of the facets, and more to easily reflect the quality of each oval diamonds proportions, symmetry, and polish.
At Frank Darling, we only offer oval cut diamonds with cut grades of Good and up. This is to ensure that your diamond sparkles as brightly as possible. When in doubt, we recommend going with an Ideal,Super Ideal , or Guaranteed Brilliant cut grade. These grades are some of the highest grades available and ensure that your sparkler, well- sparkles. In fact, diamonds with an assigned Guaranteed Brilliant grade have been hand-inspected in person by our expert team of gemologists to ensure the utmost cut quality. As usual, it's just plain important to view your diamond in person when you can. And remember, our Diamond Concierge is here to help you shine your best so don't hesitate to reach out to with any questions.
Oval cut diamonds usually contain 57 or 58 facets with the most common facet arrangement including eight bezel facets on the crown and eight main facets on the pavilion of the oval. Oval cut diamonds are brilliantly faceted which means that they sparkle a bit brighter than step cuts, thanks in part to the 33 crown facets and 24 or 25 pavilion facets that maximize light return to the viewer’s eye.