How to Measure Your Ring Size Right
How to avoid an immediate resize and everything you need to know before landing on that perfect engagement ring size.
Measuring your ring size is trickier than it sounds. Your fingers fluctuate in size from day to day and season to season. Warm weather makes them plumper. Pizza night or a sodium-loaded burrito will temporarily swell them up. A dip in the pool will shrink them down. Your size can even change based on your preferred ring style. Your finger size isn’t constant, and everyone has different preferences on fit! You’ll want any ring you purchase to fit you well, so how can you measure your ring size with confidence? And can you do it without leaving the house?
We’re breaking down the best ways to get your ring size right, factors to consider when landing on the perfect engagement ring size, and what to do if that size still isn’t right the first time around!

Option No. 1 — Have a Pro Measure Your Ring Size
For the Most Accurate Size, Try on the Real Thing.
It may seem obvious, but it bears repeating. The best way to figure out your ring size is to try on engagement rings!
Head to your local jeweler and try on some rings. While you’re there, have them measure your ring size. Seems simple, right? Well, yes and no. While professional sizing is the most accurate way to get it right the first time, there are factors to consider. If you head to the jeweler after a salty lunch, keep in mind that your finger might be a little swollen. Cold day? Your fingers might have shrunk!
Potential Pitfalls
If you’re worried about spoiling a surprise, here’s a tip. Have a friend or family member pop into the jeweler with you and keep your measured ring size on file. That way when your partner starts the shopping process, they don’t have to stress about guessing your size (or asking you)!
Option No. 2 — Print a Ring Size Chart
Measure Your Other Rings
If you love rings as much as we do, you likely own some already. But, you may not know what size they are. Fear not! Below you’ll find a printable, life-size ring chart that you can print out and use to measure your ring size. Select a ring from your collection that fits comfortably, and line it up with its matching circle on the chart. Voila! You’re done.
Potential Pitfalls
Sizing from another ring can be a very accurate way to measure your ring size. However, don’t make the mistake of assuming your fingers are all the same size! We can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen someone measure a ring size from a right-hand ring only to find out their left ring finger is a totally different size.

Option No. 3 — Order a Ring Sizer
(or get our free try at home kit)
For most rings, getting it resized is easy, and either free, or very affordable. But, some rings, like eternity bands, can’t be resized. Even if they can, it’s another chore you’d rather not do. Our try at home kit comes with a free ring sizer which makes measuring your ring size a snap. Why not take it for a test drive?
Potential Pitfalls
Plastic sizers tend to be thicker (depending on your desired width) and harder to get as tight as you’ll need, so plan to size down 1/4 to 1/2 smaller than the plastic estimate. Also, they normally don’t include 1/4 sizes!
Help! My Ring Still Doesn’t Fit.
For many, especially those of us with smaller knuckles, a tight-fitting ring is preferable to a loose-fitting one. How tight is too tight? A too-tight ring might not seem like a big deal, but it can lead to severe complications (like a loss in blood circulation) and should be addressed quickly. Before you end up in the hospital having your ring cut off, it’s good to use these simple tests to ensure your perfect ring size is still as perfect as it started out.
Here are three simple tips for deciding whether to have your ring resized:

1. Twist your Ring from Side to Side
Your ring spinning on your finger may seem like a nuisance, but you should be able to twist your ring clockwise and counterclockwise with little effort and without the skin sticking. If you can’t do this, it’s too tight.
2. Take it Off
If you can’t remove your ring, you need to get it resized ASAP. In the interim, ice your finger, slip a piece of dental floss beneath the ring, dip your finger in olive oil, and gently pull on the floss until the ring comes off. If it still doesn’t come off, it may be time to call the doctor.
3. Check if Your Ring Lays Flat on Your Finger
Rings are meant to fit snug, but not squeeze your finger. If your skin is ballooning over the top or bottom of your ring, then it’s too small.
4. Is Your Ring too Loose? Here’s How to Tell.
While you don’t want your ring to be too tight, you also don’t want it to fit too loose. Each year thousands of couples lose their engagement rings in the park, ocean, and to the monster that lives in your sink — the garbage disposal. Many of these rings are never found. The general rule of thumb is that your ring should be easier to slide on than off. So if you can take your ring off without any twisting or tugging, it’s most likely too loose.
Other Considerations
Your Wedding Band
If you plan to purchase a wider wedding band like an eternity band or any style that’s 4mm or more across, or if you’re going to stack it with other rings in a wedding set, you’ll want to go a little looser and size up at least a ¼ size. Wide rings can quickly feel too snug, especially in summer. Make sure to take this into account when you measure your ring size.
Your Finger Shape
Fingers come in all shapes and sizes. If you have larger knuckles but smaller fingers — you’re going to run into a challenge where the ring needs to be loose enough to slip over your finger, but tight enough that it doesn’t spin when on.
Speed bumps are a good solution if your over-the-knuckle size is perfect, but the ring spins easily once it’s on. The bumps will provide just a bit of traction to your ring so that it doesn’t spin.

Measure Twice. Cut Once.
We’ve all heard the saying, measure twice, cut once. Because finger sizes change over the course of the day, and from day to day, you’ll want to measure your ring size a few times to get a complete picture of what ring size to buy. If you have the time, it’s a simple way to reduce the risk of getting a ring that’s too big or too small.
Finally, and this is the most important, make sure to purchase from a jewelry company that offers free resizing. If you didn’t and need to get a ring resized, a jeweler shouldn’t charge more than $50 for a simple resizing. Any more and you’re paying too much.
Stephanie Dore
Stephanie is a jewelry lover, gemologist, and seasoned copywriter with a decade of experience in e-commerce and tech. A RISD graduate, Stephanie also studied at GIA and has worked in the jewelry industry for 20 years. When not writing about diamonds and jewelry, Stephanie is also a photographer and backyard flower farmer. She lives in Tacoma, WA with her two black cats.