Big diamond rings are delicious. They sparkle, they shine, they blind innocent onlookers. And really, they’re just plain fun. If you can afford them. But size isn’t everything and no matter how much disposable income you have, you probably don’t want to rock a big dull rock on your ring finger any time soon, right? So how do you make sure you’re getting the most for your hard earned money? It can pay to dig into the details. Or at least find a friend who can hold your hand through the process. (That’s us, BTW.) So whether you hit up our diamond experts for advice or decide to make a go of it on your own, here’s how to make a 9 carat diamond (or any other large carat weight number you can think of) part of your reality.
Big Diamond Rings? Explain.
Okay so here’s the thing. There are plenty of celebs rocking 10, 15 carat diamonds, right? Wrong. Look, we’re not denying they’re out there (hello, Bey), but most of your faves are probably working in the 3-7 carat range. And even that is big by most folks’ standards. If you ask the average human, most of them will call out 2 carats as big, and 3-5 carats as jaw-dropping. So if know your partner wants “big”, just keep that in mind and don’t get too overwhelmed looking at a 9 carat diamond when all you need is a 2.
The Sweet Spot
If size is important to you but you’re not working with an unlimited budget, your best bet is to look for a good balance of price and quality. And just like with a happy marriage, compromise is key here. Big, high quality diamonds are a real rarity, and demand a price indicative of such—especially if you’re also limiting your search to flawless, colorless stones. Create a bit of wiggle room in color and clarity, though, and you’ll likely see the range of available large diamonds open up a bit, and the prices drop. One thing we don’t suggest compromising on? Cut. Why? Because diamond cut has the most effect on the visual impact of your diamond.